We know that since you are visiting our site that you are a dog lover! Most of you are considering adopting a rescued dog and we THANK YOU for your interest in opening your hearts and homes to these truly deserving dogs. Many of you may not have room to house another dog but you would love to help a dog in need . Your living arrangement may not permit you to have a dog or your personal circumstances may not be conducive to caring properly for a dog. But you see all of the dogs that need a home – their sweet faces on the adoption sites draw you in and you read of their dire beginnings or the thoughtless humans that dumped them like garbage and you want to help.
Together we can save them!
Whether you donate $20 or $200 or $2,000 – ANY amount helps with the spays and neuters, the vaccinations, the veterinarian visits, the microchips and registrations, the prescriptions, the “surprise” medical expenses such as heartworm treatments, eye surgeries or broken bones. Our vetting costs can be staggering and even the normal care of a healthy dog can be overwhelming but together we can make a difference.
Are you an Amazon shopper?
If you are, there is a way that can you can help us and it won’t even cost you any money! Amazon has a program called Amazon Smile. When you log into Amazon through the Amazon Smile portal, everything is still the same. You logon name, your password, your Prime membership and benefits, and the prices of the things they sell. BUT... they give you an opportunity, the first time you log in, to specify a 501c3 non profit organization for you to sponsor! All you have to do is select Cedar Farm and then everytime you buy something, they give us a small percentage of THEIR profit. If you forget to login through Amazon Smile, they will remind you and ask if you would like to make your purchase through Amazon Smile and then they will switch it all over for you! Help us take advantage of Amazon’s generosity when you shop for yourself, your family or your business! Thank you!
Cedar Farm , Inc. is a registered non-